NA= Not Available or Available in limited quantities. | Ordering by Mail |
* = non-native to United States | |
TB = Tree Band | |
These plants can be shipped by FED EX in boxes of 4 plants. See link Ordering by Mail above
WON will stock a number of great native perennials. Please inquire on availability Valuable meadow and wetland species will be featured. |
NATIVE SHRUBS & SMALL FLOWERING TREES | Species Descriptions | Image of Potted Plant | 5x8 TB |
Bayberry, Myrica pennsylvanica | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Bladdernut, Staphylea trifolia | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Bottlebrush buckeye, Aesculus parviflor SOLD OUT 2025 | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $12.00 |
Buffaloberry, Russet, Shephardia canadensis | Profile | $9.00 | |
Bush, American Strawberry, Euonymus americanus LIMITED QTY | Profile | $9.00 | |
Bush honeysuckle, Diervilla lonicera | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 | |
Buttonbush, Cephalanthus occidentalis | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 | |
Cedar, Eastern Red, Juniperus virginiana SOLD OUT 2025 | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Chokecherry, American, Prunus virginiana | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 | |
Chokecherry, Canada Red, P. virginiana 'Canada Red' | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 | |
Chokeberry, Red, Aronia arbutifolia FALL 2025 | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 | |
Chokeberry, Black, Aronia melanocarpa | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 | |
Dogwood, Flowering , Cornus floridus | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 | |
Dogwood, Grey , Cornus racemosa | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 | |
Dogwood, Pagoda , Cornus alternifolia | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 | |
Dogwood, Silky , Cornus amomum | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 | |
Dogwood, Roundleaf , Cornus rugosa | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 | |
Dogwood, Red Twig , Cornus sericea | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 | |
Elderberry, American , Sambucus canadensis | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 | |
Elderberry, Red, Sambucus racemosa SOLD OUT | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 | |
Flowering, Raspberry, Rubus odoratus SUMMER 2025 | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Fothergilla, Dwarf, Fothergilla gardenii | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 | |
Fothergilla, Mt Airy, Fothergilla major 'Mt Airy' | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 |
Fringe Tree, Chionanthus virginicus | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 | |
Hazelnut, American , Corylus americana | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Hazelnut, Beaked , Corylus cornuta | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 | |
Hydrangea, Smooth, Hydrangea arborescens | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 |
Hydrangea, Oak Leaf, Hydrangea quercifolia | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $12.00 |
Meadow Sweet, Spirea alba SOLD OUT 2025 | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 | |
New Jersey Tea, Ceanothus americanus SOLD OUT 2025 | 5 x 8 pot | $12.00 | |
Ninebark, Physocarpus opulifolia | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 |
Paw Paw, Asimina triloba | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 |
Plum, Beach, Prunus maritima SOLD OUT 2025 | Profile | 5x8 pot | $9.00 |
Saskatoon Serviceberry, Amelanchier alnifolia | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 |
Serviceberry, Amelanchier arborea | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 | |
Spice bush, Lindera benzoin | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 | |
Shrubby St John's Wort, Hypericum prolificum | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 |
Sumac, Fragrant, Rhus aromatica | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 | |
Sumac, Fragrant 'Gro-low' R. aromatica 'Gro-low | 5 x 8 pot | $12.00 | |
Sweet Shrub, Calycanthus floridus | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 |
Winter Berry, Ilex verticillata "Winter Red or Maryland Beauty" | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 | |
Winter Berry, Ilex verticillata 'Southern gentleman' | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 | |
Winter Berry, Ilex verticillata Seed grown plants | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 | |
Nannyberry, Viburnum lentago | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 | |
Viburnum, Arrowwood, Viburnum dentatum | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Viburnum, Cranberrybush, Viburnum trilobum | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 | |
Viburnum, Maple leaf, Viburnum acerifolium | 5 x 8 pot | $12.00 | |
Witch Hazel, Hamamellis virginiana | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 |
EVERGREEN TREES | Species Descriptions | Image of Potted Plant | 5x8 TB |
Fir, Balsam, Abies balsamea | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 |
Fir, Concolor , Abies concolor | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 |
Hemlock, Canadian , Tsuga canadensis LIMITED QTY | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 |
Pine, White , Pinus strobus | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 |
Spruce, White, Picea glauca | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 |
Spruce, Norway*, Picea abies | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 |
Spruce, Blue, Picea pungen | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 |
NATIVE DECIDUOUS TREES | Species Descriptions | Image of Potted Plant | 5x8 TB |
Bald Cypress, Taxodium distichum | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 |
Birch, Paper , Betula papyrifera | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 |
Birch, River , Betula nigra | Profile | 5x8 pot | $9.00 |
Birch, Sweet, Betula lenta | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 |
Birch, Yellow, Betula alleghaniensis FALL 2025 | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 |
Black Gum, Nyssa sylvatica | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 |
Buckeye, Ohio, Aesculus glabra | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Chestnut, American, Castanea dentatum ( Seed Grown, Unknown suseptibility to Chestnut Blight ) SOLD OUT 25 | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 |
Cherry, Black , Prunus serotina | Profile | 5 x8 pot | $8.00 |
Elm, American, 'Jefferson' Disease Resistant Elm |
Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $12.00 |
Hackberry , Celtis occidentalis | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Hickory, Bitternut Carya cordiformis | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Hickory, Shagbark, Carya ovata | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Hophornbeam, Ostrya virginiana | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 |
Hornbeam, American, Carpinus caroliniana | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 |
Kentucky coffee tree, Gymnocladus dioicus SOLD OUT 25 | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 |
Linden, American, Tilia americana | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 |
Magnolia, Cucumber, Magnolia acuminata SOLD OUT 2025 | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $12.00 |
Maple, Red, Acer rubrum | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Maple, Black, Acer nigrum | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 |
Maple, Silver, Acer saccharinum | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Maple, Sugar, Acer saccharum | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Mountain Silverbell, Halesia monticolla SOLD OUT 2025 | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $20.00 |
Mulberry, Red, Morus rubra | Profile | $8.00 | |
Oak, White, Quercus alba | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Oak, Black, Quercus velutina SOLD OUT 25 | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Oak, Bur, Quercus macrocarpa | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Oak, Chinquapin , Quercus muehlenbergii SOLD OUT 2025 | Profile | $8.00 | |
Oak, Swamp White , Quercus bicolor | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Oak, Shingle, Quercus imbricaria | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Oak, Pin, Quercus palustris | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Oak, Red , Quercus borealis | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Persimmon, American, Diospyros virginiana | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 |
Sycamore, American, Platanus occidentalus | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $8.00 |
Tulip tree, Liriodendron tulipifera |
Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $9.00 |
Yellowwood, Cladrastis kentukea SOLD OUT 2025 | Profile | $10.00 |
ORNAMENTAL & SPECIMEN TREES & SHRUBS | Species Descriptions | Image of Potted Plant | 5x8 TB |
*Cherry, Flowering*, Prunus subhirtella 'Autumnalis' | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $12.00 |
* Magnolia, Jane Magnolia stellata "Jane" | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 |
* Magnolia, Saucer Magnolia soulangiana SOLD OUT 2025 | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 |
*Viburnum, Fragrant Viburnum x juddii, Viburnum burkwoodii | Profile | 5 x 8 pot | $10.00 |
* = non-native species |
TREES & SHRUBS PROFILES These species are listed for information only. They are not currently for sale at White Oak Nursery | Species Descriptions |
Azalea, Pinxter, Rhododendron periclymenoides | Profile |
Beech, American, Fagus grandifolia | Profile |
Birch, River 'Heritage' , Betula nigra 'Heritage' | Profile |
Chinkapin, Allegheny, Castanea pumila | Profile |
*Dawn Redwood, Metasequoia glyptostroboides | Profile |
Deerberry, Vaccinium stamineum | Profile |
Hickory, Shellbark, Carya laciniosa | Profile |
Hobblebush, Viburnum alnifolium | |
Holly, Mountain, Nemopanthus mucronatus | Profile |
*Hornbeam, Japanese Carpinus japonica | Profile |
Inkberry, Ilex glabra | |
*Katsura Tree*, Cercidiphyllum japonicum | Profile |
Leatherwood, Dirca palustris | Profile |
*Golden Rain Tree, Laburnum x waterii | Profile |
*Hornbeam, 'Fastigiata' European, Carpinus betula 'Fastigiata' | Profile |
Umbrella magnolia, Magnolia tripetala | Profile |
Maple, Oregon Vine, Acer circinatum | Profile |
*Maple, Paper Bark, Acer griseum | Profile |
*Maple, Trident, Acer buergerianum | Profile |
*Oak, English upright, Quercus robur Fastigiata | Profile |
Oak, Chinkapin, Quercus muehlenbergii | Profile |
Oak, Gambel, Quercus gambellii | Profile |
Oak, Scarlet, Quercus coccinea | Profile |
*Persian Parrotia, Parrotia persica | Profile |
* Ruby Red Horsechestnut, Aesculus x carnea | Profile |
Sassafras, Sassafras albidum | Profile |
Spikenard, American Aralia racemosa | Profile |
*Sapphire Berry, Symplocus paniculata | Profile |
*Snowbell, Fragrant, Styrax obassia | Profile |
Sweet Gum, Liquidamber styraciflua | Profile |
*Filbert, Turkish, Corylus corluna | Profile |
Viburnum, Witherod, Viburnum cassinoides | Profile |
this page updated January 30th, 2025