Spring/Summer 2024 Container Grown Plants
NA= Not Available or Available in limited quantities.

Ordering by Mail

Pricing, Warranty, and Shipping Information

Planting Tips

Photos of Field Grown Trees

* = non-native to United States
TB = Tree Band

These plants can be shipped by FED EX in boxes of 4 plants. See link Ordering by Mail above


WON will stock a number of great native perennials. Please inquire on availability
Valuable meadow and wetland species will be featured.

 Plants listed as SOLD OUTmay be available to purchase in fall 2024 as new stock is ready for sale.

NATIVE SHRUBS & SMALL FLOWERING TREES Species Descriptions Image of Potted Plant 5x8 TB
Bayberry, Myrica pennsylvanica   Profile 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Bladdernut, Staphylea trifolia   Profile 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Bottlebrush buckeye, Aesculus parviflor   SOLD OUT 2024 Profile 5 x 8 pot $10.00
Buffaloberry, Russet,    Shephardia canadensis  Profile    $8.00 
Bush, American Strawberry, Euonymus americanus  LIMITED QTY Profile    $8.00 
Bush honeysuckle, Diervilla lonicera  AVAILALBE FALL 24 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Buttonbush, Cephalanthus occidentalis 5 x 8 pot  $7.00
Cedar, Eastern Red, Juniperus virginiana SOLD OUT 2024 Profile 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Chokecherry, American, Prunus virginiana 5 x 8 pot  $7.00
Chokecherry, Canada Red, P. virginiana 'Canada Red'   5 x 8 pot $8.00
Chokeberry, Red, Aronia arbutifolia   SOLD OUT 2024 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Chokeberry, Black, Aronia melanocarpa  AVAILABLE FALL 5 x 8 pot  $8.00
Dogwood, Flowering , Cornus floridus    5 x 8 pot $8.00
Dogwood, Grey , Cornus racemosa 5 x 8 pot  $7.00
Dogwood, Pagoda , Cornus alternifolia   5 x 8 pot $7.00
Dogwood, Silky , Cornus amomum 5 x 8 pot  $7.00
Dogwood, Roundleaf , Cornus rugosa  AVAILABLE FALL 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Dogwood, Red Twig , Cornus sericea 5 x 8 pot  $7.00
Dogwood, Yellow Twig , Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea' SOLD OUT Profile   $7.00
Elderberry, American , Sambucus canadensis 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Elderberry, Red, Sambucus racemosa  SOLD OUT 2024 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Flowering, Raspberry, Rubus odoratus  SOLD OUT 2024 Profile 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Fothergilla, Dwarf, Fothergilla gardenii FALL 24 5 x 8 pot $10.00
Fothergilla, Mt Airy, Fothergilla major 'Mt Airy' Profile 5 x 8 pot $10.00
Fringe Tree, Chionanthus virginicus SOLD OUT 2024 5 x 8 pot  $10.00
Hazelnut, American , Corylus americana Profile  5 x 8 pot $7.00
Hazelnut, Beaked , Corylus cornuta 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Hydrangea, Smooth, Hydrangea arborescens Profile 5 x 8 pot  $8.00
Hydrangea, Oak Leaf, Hydrangea quercifolia ' FALL 24 Profile 5 x 8 pot $10.00
Meadow Sweet, Spirea alba SOLD OUT 2024 5 x 8 pot $8.00
New Jersey Tea, Ceanothus americanus  SOLD OUT 2024 5 x 8 pot $10.00
Ninebark, Physocarpus opulifolia  Profile 5 x 8 pot  $8.00
Paw Paw, Asimina triloba Profile 5 x 8 pot $10.00
Plum, Beach, Prunus maritima  SOLD OUT 2024 Profile 5x8 pot  $8.00
Saskatoon Serviceberry, Amelanchier alnifolia   Profile 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Serviceberry, Amelanchier arborea 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Spice bush, Lindera benzoin 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Shrubby St John's Wort, Hypericum prolificum  FALL 24 Profile 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Sumac, Fragrant, Rhus aromatica FALL 24 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Sumac, Fragrant 'Gro-low' R. aromatica 'Gro-low SFALL 24 5 x 8 pot $10.00
Sweet Shrub, Calycanthus floridus AVAILALBE FALL 24 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Winter Berry, Ilex verticillata 'Winter Red' 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Winter Berry, Ilex verticillata 'Southern gentleman' FALL 24 5 x 8 pot  $10.00
Winter Berry, Ilex verticillata Seed grown plants  5 x 8 pot $7.00
Nannyberry, Viburnum lentago AVAILABLE FALL 24 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Viburnum, Arrowwood, Viburnum dentatum  Profile 5 x 8 pot  $7.00
Viburnum, Cranberrybush, Viburnum trilobum  FALL 24 5 x 8 pot  $7.00
Viburnum, Maple leaf, Viburnum acerifolium   5 x 8 pot $10.00
Witch Hazel, Hamamellis virginiana Profile 5 x 8 pot  $8.00

EVERGREEN TREES Species Descriptions Image of Potted Plant 5x8 TB
Fir, Balsam, Abies balsamea Profile 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Fir, Concolor , Abies concolor Profile  5 x 8 pot $8.00
Hemlock, Canadian , Tsuga canadensis  LIMITED QTY Profile 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Pine, White , Pinus strobus Profile 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Spruce, White, Picea glauca Profile 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Spruce, Norway*, Picea abies AVAILABLE FALL 24 Profile  5 x 8 pot $8.00
Spruce, Blue, Picea pungen   Profile 5 x 8 pot $8.00

NATIVE DECIDUOUS TREES Species Descriptions Image of Potted Plant 5x8 TB
Bald Cypress, Taxodium distichum  AVAILABLE FALL 24 Profile 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Birch, Paper , Betula papyrifera    Profile 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Birch, River , Betula nigra   Profile 5x8 pot  $8.00
Birch, Sweet, Betula lenta AVAILALBE FALL 24 Profile 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Birch, Yellow, Betula alleghaniensis Profile 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Black Gum, Nyssa sylvatica   Profile 5 x 8 pot


Buckeye, Ohio, Aesculus glabra Profile 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Chestnut, American, Castanea dentatum ( Seed Grown, Unknown suseptibility to Chestnut Blight ) SOLD OUT 24 Profile 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Cherry, Black , Prunus serotina Profile 5 x8 pot $7.00

Elm, American, 'Jefferson' Disease Resistant Elm

Profile 5 x 8 pot $10.00
Hackberry , Celtis occidentalis Profile 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Hickory, Bitternut Carya cordiformis AVAILALBE FALL 24 Profile 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Hickory, Shagbark, Carya ovata  Profile 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Hophornbeam, Ostrya virginiana   Profile 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Hornbeam, American, Carpinus caroliniana Profile 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Kentucky coffee tree, Gymnocladus dioicus SOLD OUT 24 Profile 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Linden, American, Tilia americana Profile 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Magnolia, Cucumber, Magnolia acuminata SOLD OUT 2024 Profile 5 x 8 pot  $10.00
Maple, Red, Acer rubrum Profile 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Maple, Black, Acer nigrum Profile 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Maple, Silver, Acer saccharinum   Profile 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Maple, Sugar, Acer saccharum Profile  5 x 8 pot $7.00
Mountain Silverbell, Halesia monticolla SOLD OUT 2024 Profile 5 x 8 pot $20.00
Mulberry, Red, Morus rubra SOLD OUT /FALL 2024 Profile   $8.00
Oak, White, Quercus alba Profile 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Oak, Black, Quercus velutina SOLD OUT 24 Profile 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Oak, Bur, Quercus macrocarpa Profile 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Oak, Chinquapin , Quercus muehlenbergii SOLD OUT 2024 Profile   $7.00
Oak, Swamp White , Quercus bicolor Profile 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Oak, Shingle, Quercus imbricaria Profile 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Oak, Pin, Quercus palustris    Profile 5 x 8 pot $7.00
Oak, Red , Quercus borealis Profile 5 x 8 pot  $7.00
Persimmon, American, Diospyros virginiana   Profile 5 x 8 pot $8.00
Sycamore, American, Platanus occidentalus Profile 5 x 8 pot  $7.00

Tulip tree, Liriodendron tulipifera

Profile 5 x 8 pot  $8.00
Yellowwood, Cladrastis kentukea SOLD OUT 2024 Profile   $10.00

ORNAMENTAL & SPECIMEN TREES & SHRUBS Species Descriptions Image of Potted Plant 5x8 TB
*Cherry, Flowering*, Prunus subhirtella 'Autumnalis' Profile 5 x 8 pot $10.00
* Magnolia, Jane Magnolia stellata "Jane" Profile 5 x 8 pot $10.00
* Magnolia, Saucer Magnolia soulangiana SOLD OUT 2024 Profile 5 x 8 pot $10.00
*Viburnum, Fragrant Viburnum x juddii, Viburnum burkwoodii Profile 5 x 8 pot $8.00
* = non-native species

TREES & SHRUBS PROFILES These species are listed for information only. They are not currently for sale at White Oak Nursery Species Descriptions
Azalea, Pinxter, Rhododendron periclymenoides Profile
Beech, American, Fagus grandifolia Profile
Birch, River 'Heritage' , Betula nigra 'Heritage' Profile
Chinkapin, Allegheny, Castanea pumila Profile
*Dawn Redwood, Metasequoia glyptostroboides Profile
Deerberry, Vaccinium stamineum Profile
Hickory, Shellbark, Carya laciniosa Profile
Hobblebush, Viburnum alnifolium
Holly, Mountain, Nemopanthus mucronatus Profile
*Hornbeam, Japanese Carpinus japonica Profile
Inkberry, Ilex glabra
*Katsura Tree*, Cercidiphyllum japonicum Profile
Leatherwood, Dirca palustris Profile
*Golden Rain Tree, Laburnum x waterii Profile
*Hornbeam, 'Fastigiata' European, Carpinus betula 'Fastigiata' Profile
Umbrella magnolia, Magnolia tripetala Profile
Maple, Oregon Vine, Acer circinatum Profile
*Maple, Paper Bark, Acer griseum Profile
*Maple, Trident, Acer buergerianum Profile
*Oak, English upright, Quercus robur Fastigiata Profile
Oak, Chinkapin, Quercus muehlenbergii Profile
Oak, Gambel, Quercus gambellii Profile
Oak, Scarlet, Quercus coccinea Profile
*Persian Parrotia, Parrotia persica Profile
* Ruby Red Horsechestnut, Aesculus x carnea Profile
Sassafras, Sassafras albidum Profile
Spikenard, American Aralia racemosa Profile
*Sapphire Berry, Symplocus paniculata Profile
*Snowbell, Fragrant, Styrax obassia Profile
Sweet Gum, Liquidamber styraciflua Profile
*Filbert, Turkish, Corylus corluna Profile
Viburnum, Witherod, Viburnum cassinoides Profile

this page updated June 26th, 2024