An extremely fast growing and adaptable shade or forest tree. An important species for replacing ash trees in wet lowland forests. Has been planted extensively for street tree use. Best used in large open spaces and parks.
Ornamental features:
- Upright oval rounded crown. Tall open expansive canopy. Can achieve massive girth.
- Attractive summer foliage. Bright yellow fall color.
Wildlife value:.
- Plant to provide habitat in lowland forests, floodplains, riparian areas and swamps where ash trees have succumbed to Emerald Ash Borer.
- Fast growth and prolific seed producer. Seed matures in late spring and consumed by many wildlife species.
Horticulture profile:
- Zone 3 to 9 Native from Quebec to Georgia.
- Grows 50 to 70 ft Tall x 30 to 50ft Wide.
- Fast growth rate 20 to 25 ft in 8 to 10 years.
- Blooms in late April to early May, seed disperses in late May to early June.
- Can withstand several weeks of standing water, heavy poorly drained clay soils but can also tolerate poor dry soils. Has an extensive fibrous root system.