- An exceptionally beautiful native three season shrub. Mt Airy is a cultivar selected for its foliage, floral display and hardiness. A low maintenance plant that develops a naturally compact habit that requires little pruning. Use as a specimen, in shrub borders, foundation plantings, ornamental hedges and numerous other uses in the residential landscape. Just an outstanding plant.
Ornamental features:
- Creamy white flowers resemble miniature fuzzy bottlebrushes. Blossoms last for 10 to14 days.
- Outstanding fall color in brilliant shades of yellow, orange, red and purple.
- Attractive dark green foliage with a bluish haze adorns a compact plant.
Horticulture profile:
- Zone 5 to 8
- Grows 4 to 5 ft tall with similar spread.
- Slow growth rate, typically 6-8” per year.
- To maintain prune out old stems and unwanted suckers.
- Requires well drained soils. Neutral to acid pH
- Tolerant of average soil fertility and moisture levels.
- Full sun to half shade. Quite shade tolerant.
- No significant disease or pest problems.
- Thought to be a hybrid between F. gardenii and F. major.