A showy large shrub or small multi-stemmed tree, noted for its tasty fruit, spring flowers and fall color. A multi-faceted plant in the landscape. Bears edible fruit as well as offering many desirable ornamental features. Use as an edible hedge, in mass plantings, bird gardens and natural landscaping.
Ornamental features:
- Produces abundant white flowers in early spring and stunning fall color display.
- Sweet edible blue to dark purple berries
- Often grown for fruit production.
- Fruit can be eaten fresh or used in preserves and pies.
- Is cultivated for its fruit in the upper mid-west and Canada. There are several named cultivars.
Wildlife value:
- Berries are relished by many song birds in early summer.
- Mass plantings and twiggy habit provide important nesting and resting cover for birds.
Horticulture profile:
- Zone 3 to 5
- Grows 6 to10 ft Tall x 6 to 8 ft Wide.
- Slow growing 6 to 10” per year. Will begin to produce fruit in the 2nd or third year.
- Adaptable to pH, fertility and heavy clay soils.
- Very cold tolerant.
- Native throughout southern Canada and the northern states from the mid-west to the west coast.