
Potted Seedlings


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Potted seedlings give you the best value in terms of  size, transplantability, rapid growth and survivability. White Oak Nursery is dedicated to growing and promoting the use of native plant species and making them an integral part of our landscapes. I have pioneered the use of native plants to create wildlife habitat, natural landscapes, woodland gardens and forest restorations.I provide landscape designs,  consultation services as well as providing complete natural landscape and woodland garden packages.My unique method of growing native plants ensures their survival in natural landscapes and difficult sites.  Plants grown in  5" x 8" size pots are  sized and priced to create beautiful natural gardens and landscapes that are  biologically diverse, ornamentally complex and economically affordable to every homeowner. Potted-liners extend the transplant season and can be planted in the fall or spring with equal success.  Liners are produced using TB (tree bands) and root control fabric to develop a fibrous and well branched root system.   Seedlings in 5 x 8 tree bands are 2 to 3 year old  heavy transplants.

Jim Engel with some potted seedlings.

From left to right:

A White Pine seedling in a 5" square x 6" high pot (tree band)

A Bur Oak seedling in a 3 5/8" square x 6" high pot

A Bur Oak in the 5" square by 8" high pot