- An important shrub for naturalizing in the woodland understory. Best used in naturalized plantings but can find a suitable home in the shrub border or in the woodland garden. Very adaptable to site and soils.
Ornamental features:
- White flower racemes in spring; Creamy blue fruits in fall.
- Large round leaves with pronounced veination.
- Green to pinkish/purple color on young stems.
- Fall color is a respectable maroon to deep red.
Wildlife value:
- Fruit are eaten by many birds and small mammals.
- Grows naturally on dry rocky slopes and in the woodland understory. Often found growing on calcareous soils and from limestone bedrock.
- Provides important cover and nesting structure for birds.
Horticulture profile:
- ZoneĀ 3 to 7
- Grows 6 to 12ft Tall with equal or greater spread.
- Medium growth rate.
- Tolerant of poor soils and drought. Acid to alkaline soils.
- Grows in full sun, light shade to medium shade.
- Native from Ontario & Quebec south in mountains to Virginia.