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Check by email the availability of each species.
Some species may be sold out for spring and new plants may not be ready for sale until mid-summer.

WILDFLOWERS for Dry to Medium Soils Species Descriptions Image of Potted Plant 5x8 TB
Anise Hyssop, Agastache foeniculum  SOLD OUT Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
Blazing Star,  Prairie  Liatris pycnostachya  Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
Blazing Star, Rough   Liatris aspera  Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
Butterfly Plant, Aesclepias tuberosa SOLD OUT Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
Coneflower,  Orange Rudbeckia fulgida   Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
Coneflower,  Yellow Ratibida pinnata  SOLD OUT


 5x8 pot $7.00
False Indigo, Blue  Baptisia australis Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
False Indigo, White  Baptisia lactea SOLD OUT Profile   $7.00
False Indigo, Yellow   Baptisia tinctoria SOLD OUT Profile   $7.00
Figwort, Late   Scrophularia marilandica SOLD OUT Profile   $7.00
Ironweed, Upland Vernonia glauca Profile 5x8 pot $7.00 
Penstemon, Calico Penstemon calycosus   Profile   $7.00
Goldenrod, Showy Solidago speciosa  SOLD OUT Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
Mountain Mint, Clustered Pycnanthemum muticum Profile 5x8 pot  $7.00
Mountain Mint, Hoary Pycnanthemum incanum Profile   $7.00
Wild Petunia Ruellia humilis Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
Wild Quinine, Parthenium integrifolium Profile   5x8 pot $7.00
Nodding Pink Onion, Alium cernuum Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
Skull Cap, Hoary, Scutillaria incana Profile   $7.00
Spiderwort, Ohio Tradescantia ohioensis Profile   $7.00
Ox Eye Sunflower, Heliopsis helianthoides Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
Hoary Vervain, Verbena stricta NOT AVAILABLE Profile    
WILDFLOWERS for Medium to Moist and Wet Soils Species Descriptions Image of Potted Plant 5x8 TB
Bee Balm, Monarda didyma  AVAILABLE FALL Profile 5x8 pot  $7.00
Bergamot, Monarda fistulosa   Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
Blue Eyed Grass, Sisyrinchium angustifolium SOLD OUT Profile   $7.00
Blue Mist flower, Conoclinium coelestinum  SOLD OUT Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
Blue Star, Eastern Amsonia tabernaemontana Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
Boneset, Eupatorium perfoliatum SOLD OUT Profile   $7.00
Bowman's Root, Porteranthus trifoliata, Gillenia trifoliata Profile   $7.00
Coneflower, Cutleaf, Rudbekia laciniata Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
Culvers Root, Veronicastrum virginicum Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
Iris, Blue Flag Iris versicolor Profile   $7.00
Ironweed, New York Vernonia noveboracensis Profile   5x8 pot $7.00
Joe Pye Weed, Eupatorium fistulosum Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
Joe Pye Weed, Sweet Eupatorium purpureum SOLD OUT Profile 5x8 pot  
Great Blue Lobelia, Lobelia syphilitica Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
Milkweed, Swamp Asclepias incarnata Profile   $7.00
Obedient Plant, Physostegia virginiana SOLD OUT Profile   $7.00
Queen of the Prairie, Filipendula rubra No Longer Grown Profile 5x8 pot  
Ragwort, Golden, Senecio aureus Profile   $7.00
Spiderwort, Virginia. Tradescantia virginiana Profile  5x8 pot $7.00
Turtlehead, Pink Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips" Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
Turtlehead, White Chelone glabra  AVAILALBE FALL Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
NATIVE GRASSES Species Descriptions Image of Potted Plant 5x8 TB
Little Bluestem, Schizachyrium scoparium "The Blues"   Profile 5x8 pot $7.00
Big Bluestem, Andropogon gerardii Profile 5x8 pot  $7.00
Indian Grass, Sorghastrum nutans AVAILABLE FALL Profile   $7.00
Prairie Dropseed, Sporobolis heterolepis  SOLD OUT Profile 5x8 pot $7.00

this page updated June 26th, 2024