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Sidewalk Planting

The owner of this property wanted to improve their backyard to create better habitat for birds, butterflies and other insects but also to enhance its visual appeal.

The existing shrubs (lilacs) were preserved and enhanced with an assortment of hardy native perennials that will provide habitat for lots of native insects.
The boundary of the property was planted with tall native perennials to naturalize it, compete with existing weeds and to screen the neighbors property, a win win for the home ownere as well as wildlife.


Species list:
Ox eye sunflower
Orange coneflower
Blue false indigo
Blue star
Great blue lobelia
Pink Turtlehead
Swamp milkweed
Pairie blazing star
Wild petunia

Border area:
Cutleaf coneflower
Joe pye weed
Culvers root
NY Ironweed
Wild quinine
Wild bergamot