Species Name: Liatris pycnostachya
Common Name: Prairie Blazing Star
Zone: 3 to 9
Light: Full Sun to Partial
Soil Moisture: Medium to
Soil Types: Sand, Loam,
Fertility: Medium to Rich
pH: 6.0 Ð 8.5
Bloom Time: July to October
Habit: A very showy long blooming
wildflower very attractive to insects and butterflies. 3 to 4 ft tall stiff
up-right bright purple flower spikes) in mid to late summer. Grows in moist to dry prairies and open
woodlands in rich medium to moist soils.
Moderate drought tolerance; Combines well with other
prairie plants and grasses. Overwinters as a corm (bulb). Easy to
grow and naturalize from seed or by transplanting the corm.