Species Name: Chelone glabra
Common Name: White Turtle Head
Zone: 3 to 8
Light: Full Sun if moist to
Half Shade
Soil Moisture: Wet to Moist
to Medium
Soil Types: Sand, Loam,
Fertility: Medium to Wet
pH: 5 to 6.5
Bloom Time: August to
White Turtlehead grows 1 to 3 ft tall, topped with white turtlehead shaped flowers tipped
with pink, in late summer early fall.
Foliage is dark green, glossy and pest free. Under garden conditions it
will grow in any rich moist soil in light to moderate shade. An attractive
garden plant for moist shady spots
In the wild WTH grows in moist rich
soils in swamps, flood plains and moist meadows. It spreads by a rhizomatous root
system or from seed. It is deer
resistant and is a larval host plant for the Baltimore checkerspot